
Friday, April 15, 2011

hAppy sAturday!..

salam ggy!!!
da lme i xipdate dis blog..lately bz sgt..

skng br ade ksmpatn ntok update..
bnyk y i nak kongsi ngn ggy..
1.KISAH 4 owg sahabat yang terpisah..
bile bnd ni jd..i xtw nk bpihak pde spe..
msing2 mluahkan perasaan..
tp pe3 p0n bg sy dowg still kwn cm dolu..
iktkn mmg msing2 salah dalam hal ni..
tapi dowg xnk mengalah n bjmpe face to face..
bnde ni jd complicated ble cmpor tgn owg2 ksyngn mereka..
praise to ALLAH..
dat after l0ng argument..
acctly its takes m0nth to us to rebuild our rlationship..
last march we spend tyme 2gther n talk heart to heart..
no simpan2 lg n hang out plus one of our dearest frenz HAKIMIN..
place as usual..STULANG LAUT..
tp still AwKWARD..
xpe3..still tnx to god coz bring us 2gher again..

2. i have big pr0b in personal r/ship ngn boboy..
officemates y bg pggilan ni..sedap gak..:)
bt at last 2gthr again..even gado pnye la beso2..he3..
adat bercinta..

3. my home l0an approve!!!!!!
even 75% jek..its berbaloi ma..
raye ni ley melaram uma baru..
t i upl0ad gmbo uma 2..
still in progress,,
msk kn gmbo show h0use p0n xpe kn??
coz sme jek..cme keluasan je len..

2 la je la kisanye..
t de lg story mory..
i update..
btw mish misss ggy..


♪♬ Aq tetap Aq ♬♪ said...

yup still awkward..
but hope it all over..
dont want to loss u all..

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